
August 6, 2020

Dear Bath Tech Students & Families,

As many of you are aware, RSU 1 school board approved a reopening plan on August 3rd. This plan includes a hybrid model for grades 6-12 with students learning in person two days a week. We have been working with Wiscasset Middle High School, Morse High School, Boothbay Region High School, and Lincoln Academy to split our students into cohort groups. One cohort will attend Bath Tech programs in person on Mondays and Thursdays, with the second cohort attending on Tuesdays and Fridays.

The instructors and administration have been working to create an approach to learning that will meet the hands on learning in Career and Technical Education in a safe manner. The hybrid model will allow students to access online learning material on the days that they are not in person and spend the majority of their hours in person learning with hands-on tasks.

We continue to work out the details with the sending schools, but please know that you should receive a welcome packet from Bath Tech during the week of August 31st. The welcome letter will indicate which cohort your student is in and which days they will attend Bath Tech. We will be sending these packets to the address your school has on file. If you have moved or are unsure if your address is correct, please contact us at 207-443-8257 or email Christina McCue at cmccue@rsu1.org. In the meantime, if your child has decided not to attend Bath Tech this school year, please let us know and we will remove them from our rosters.

Despite the challenges we face, we are looking forward to being back in the building with students!


Julie Kenny, Director