Stay current. Stay in the know. Check out FMS News & Events! As well as the RSU1 Community Programs page! (links below)
over 1 year ago, Holly Spence
over 1 year ago, Holly Spence
Students may have been doing a double-maybe even triple-take as the faculty joined in on the spirit day day fun last week!
over 1 year ago, Holly Spence
four people posing together wearing flannel shirts and blue jeans
two women posing next to each other wearing matching blue and white shirts and blue jeans
four women posing together wearing black shirts, blue jeans, and pink unicorn headbands
Another successful Bikes for Books! 22 bikes were raffled off and students read lots of books.
over 1 year ago, Ross Berkowitz
Students with Bikes
Stay current. Stay in the know. Check out FMS News & Events! As well as the RSU1 Community Programs page! (links below)
over 1 year ago, Holly Spence
over 1 year ago, Holly Spence
Stay current. Stay in the know. Check out FMS News & Events! As well as the RSU1 Community Programs page! (links below)
over 1 year ago, Holly Spence
Shout out to all of our 4th and 5th Grade Battle of the Books participants! Their time, commitment and representation was awesome.
over 1 year ago, Ross Berkowitz
Battle of the Books
over 1 year ago, Holly Spence
MY, OH, MY, LOOK WHO GOT PIED! Pie Day Campaign Results: the 5th grade raised over $550 for their field trip fund and Mr. Hays was pied in the face by lucky Golden Ticket winner, Shaun!
over 1 year ago, Holly Spence
person face covered in whipped cream
child putting a pie in adult's face
adult sharing leftover pie with child
adult wearing plastic covering and carrying goggles
Stay current. Stay in the know. Check out FMS News & Events! (links below)
almost 2 years ago, Holly Spence
Behind every final piece of writing are many ours of drafts!
almost 2 years ago, Ross Berkowitz
Students writing
We are blooming at FMS!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Spence
small yellow pansy
hydroponic grow stand with plants
UGLY SWEATER DAY was the Spirit Day Friday theme before break. This week's theme is TROPICAL DAY!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Spence
students dressed in ugly holiday sweaters
Don't forget to check out FMS News & Events! (links below) Also Check Out the Community Programs page on the RSU1 Website:
almost 2 years ago, Holly Spence
almost 2 years ago, Ross Berkowitz
Hydroponic Planter
The 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s were alive and well today as we celebrated this week's Spirit Day Friday: Throwback Day!
almost 2 years ago, Holly Spence
seven children dressed in clothing from the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s
two adults wearing letterman's jackets from their high school days
two children dressed in 80s clothing one adult dressed in 90s clothing
Stay current. Stay in the know. Check out FMS News & Events! (links below)
almost 2 years ago, Holly Spence
Don't forget to check out FMS News & Events! (links below) Also Check Out the Community Programs page on the RSU1 Website:
almost 2 years ago, Holly Spence
Stay current. Stay in the know. Check out FMS News & Events! (links below)
almost 2 years ago, Holly Spence